Grade 1 Integrated Studies Teaching Resources


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  • Workbooks
  • Grade 1 Integrated Studies Workbook
  • TERM 1 - Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Flashcards
  • 1.01.1 Use home language to talk about themselves etc. Lesson Plan
  • 1.01.1 Use home language to talk about themselves etc. Flashcards
  • 1.02.1 Respond appropriately to questions and directions. Lesson Plan
  • 1.02.1 Respond appropriately to questions and directions. Flashcards
  • 1.03.1 Ask and respond appropriately to questions about self. Lesson Plan
  • 1.03.1 Ask and respond appropriately to questions about self. Notes
  • 1.03.1 Ask and respond appropriately to questions about self. Worksheet
  • 1.03.1 Ask and respond appropriately to questions about self. Flashcards
  • 1.04.1 Describe self, others, objects and situations. Lesson Plan
  • 1.04.1 Describe self, others, objects and situations. Notes
  • 1.04.1 Describe self, others, objects and situations. Flashcards*
  • 1.04.1 Describe self, others, objects and situations. Worksheet
  • 1.04.1 Describe self, others, objects and situations. Song
  • 1.04.1 Describe self, others, objects and situations. Activity
  • 1.05.1 Make statements about information collected. Lesson Plan
  • 1.05.1 Make statements about information collected. Worksheet
  • 1.06.1 Recognize sight words appropriate to grade. Lesson Plan
  • 1.06.1 Recognize sight words appropriate to grade. Flashcards
  • 1.07.1 Use basic word recognition strategies to decode words . Lesson Plan
  • 1.07.1 Use basic word recognition strategies to decode words. Worksheet
  • 1.08.1 Distinguish initial and final sounds in spoken words. Lesson Plan
  • 1.08.1 Distinguish initial and final sounds in spoken words. Flashcards
  • 1.09.1 Manipulate phonemes in words. Lesson Plan
  • 1.10.1 Link sounds to letters to decode words - LP
  • 1.11.1 Use context clues to determine character traits about self - LP
  • 1.11.2 Use context clues to determine character traits about self (story)
  • 1.11.3 Use context clues to determine character traits about self (poem)
  • 1.12.1 Use capital and common letters appropriately a ... - LP
  • 1.13.1 Respond to and use parts of the verb 'to be' to make sentences ...
  • 1.14.1 Recognise the importance of being called by a name. - LP
  • 1.14.2 Recognise the importance of being called by a name. (story) - LP
  • 1.14.3 Recognise the importance of being called by a name. (etext-worksheet)
  • 1.15.1 Identify classmates by name. - LP
  • 1.16.1 Identify self by name. - LP
  • 1.17.1 Work cooperatively in small groups using a wide range of media.
  • 1.18.1 Identify self as boy or girl. - LP
  • 1.18.2 Identify self as boy or girl. (notes)
  • 1.19.1 Identify self as male or female. - LP
  • 1.19.2 Identify self as male or female. Notes
  • 1.19.3 Identify self as male or female. - LP
  • 1.20.1 Demonstrate acceptable social behaviours in varying settings. - LP
  • 1.20.2 Demonstrate acceptable social behaviours in varying settings.story
  • 1.20.3 Demonstrate acceptable social behaviours in varying settings (notes )
  • 1.21.1 Use body percussion effectively to accompany beat and rhythm...
  • 1.21.2 Use body percussion effectively to accompany beat...activity
  • 1.22.1 Share information about themselves through jingles and s
  • 1.22.2 Share information about themselves through jingles and song. Jingle
  • 1.23.1 Demonstrate motor movement successfully. - LP
  • 1.23.2 Demonstrate motor movement successfully. (poem) - LP
  • 1.23.3 Demonstrate motor movement successfully. activity - LP
  • 1.23.4 Demonstrate motor movement successfully. game - LP
  • 1.24.1 Create movement patterns to convey personal feelings and express ideas.
  • 1.24.2 Create movement patterns to convey personal feelings and... - worksheet
  • 1.24.1Create movement patterns to convey personal feelings and express ideas.
  • 1.25.1 Use drama mode to identify specific aspects of self and others.
  • 1.25.2 Use drama mode to identify specific aspects of self and others.
  • 1.25.3 Use drama mode to identify specific aspects of self and others. Play
  • 1.26.1 Explore the use of the elements of art in picture-making and ...LP
  • 1.28.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of "first" and "last". notes
  • 1.29.1 Count to tell how many objects are in a set or group. - LP
  • 1.29.2 Count to tell how many objects are in a set or group. - LP
  • 1.30.1 Associate month with events such as birthdays. Activity - LP
  • 1.30.2 Associate month with events such as birthdays. Activity - LP
  • 1.32.1 Identify taller/shorter of 2 students when placed side to side-LP
  • 1.32.2 Identify taller/shorter of two students when placed side to side
  • 1.33.1 Form groups/sets based on birth month etc. - LP
  • 1.34.1 Listen & relate religious stories about the birth of children...LP
  • 1.34.2 Listen and relate religious stories about the birth of children...story
  • 1.35.1 Demonstrate skills in creativity by designing models ... LP
  • 1.36.1 Demonstrate that they understand how to listen and follow ...LP
  • 1.36.2 Demonstrate that they understand how to listen ...activity
  • 1.37.1 Use home language/SJE to talk about different groups to which they belong
  • 1.38.1 Use language/SJE to talk about different groups to which they belong-fC
  • 1.39.1 Respond appropriately to questions and directions addressed in SJE
  • 1.39.2 Respond appropriately to questions and directions addressed in SJE-etext
  • 1.40.1 Recognize sight words appropriate to grade - LP
  • 1.40.1 Recognize sight words appropriate to grade (activity) - LP
  • 1.41.1 Use basic word recognition strategies to decode words ...LP
  • 1.42.1 Identify and create rhyming words- LP
  • 1.43.1 Manipulate phonemes in words related to groups-LP
  • 1.44.1 Read with fluency, grade appropriate texts- LP
  • 1.44.2 Read with fluency, grade appropriate texts-storybook
  • 1.45.1 Use context clues to respond to character traits ...LP
  • 1.46.1 Describe groups using appropriate words- lP
  • 1.47.1 Use capital and common letters appropriately...LP
  • 1.48.1 Use the full stop appropriately at the end of sentences...LP
  • 1.49.1 Read words and copy/write a word or sentence about groups...LP
  • 1.50.1 Express their understanding of a story or poem relating...LP
  • 1.51.1 Tell why groups have rules
  • 1.52.1 Compare and contrast groups- LP
  • 1.53.1 Discuss the responsibilities of members of a group- LP
  • 1.54.1 Demonstrate acceptable social behaviours in varying settings- LP
  • 1.55.1 Discuss traditions within certain groups- LP
  • 1.56.1 Wait turn in a group- LP
  • 1.57.1 Demonstrate respect for the views of others- LP
  • 1.58.1 Work cooperatively with others- LP
  • 1.59.1 Use the word set when referring to a group- LP
  • 1.60.1 Group real and representative objects in many ways- LP
  • 1.60.2 My Body-activity
  • 1.61.1 Determine, by matching members, a set with the same...LP
  • 1.62.1 Recognize the numerals 0 through 10 and associate them...LP
  • 1.63.1 Display and analyze data using attributes- LP
  • 1.64.1 Use body percussion effectively to accompany beat and rhythm...LP
  • 1.65.1 Communicate information about different groups through songs- LP
  • 1.66.1 Respond to basic musical cues and symbols as they sing...LP
  • 1.67.1 Demonstrate that they are part of a class/school group ...LP
  • 1.68.1 Use movements/movement patterns in self-space & general space...LP
  • 1.69.1 Express their understanding of a story or poem ...LP
  • 1.70.1 View and discuss the art work of others sharing ideas...LP
  • 1.71.1 Share what they experience when they go to church...LP
  • 1.72.1 Recognize the part that values play in making/breaking...LP
  • 1.73.1 Wait their turn in a group- LP
  • 1.74.1 Demonstrate respect for the views of others- LP
  • 1.75.1 Work cooperatively with others- LP
  • 1.76.1 Demonstrate, through play, that all members of a group...LP
  • 1.77.1 Play games which allow them to practise being part of a group- LP
  • 1.78.1 Demonstrate, through play, that groups have leaders& followers- LP
  • 1.79.1 Navigate digital content safely to locate information ...LP
  • 1.79.2 Navigate digital content safely to locate information- LP
  • 1.80.1 Ask and respond appropriately to questions about self- LP
  • 1.81.1 Use line and space- LP
  • 1.82.1 Use capital and common letters appropriately- LP
  • 1.83.1 Use pronouns "I", "me", "my"- LP
  • 1.84.1 Use regular and irregular plural nouns- LP
  • 1.85.1 Use full stops and commas appropriately- LP
  • 1.86.1 Recognize sight words related to parts of the body- LP
  • 1.87.1 Read text appropriate to grade- LP
  • 1.88.1 Talk about self and identity- LP
  • 1.89.1 Recognise the external parts of the body and their parts- LP
  • 1.90.1 Use the senses to explore the similarities and differences...LP
  • 1.91.1 Explain the use of some special body parts: L؛
  • 1.92.1 Show appreciation for the ideas and opinions of classmates...LP
  • 1.93.1 Identify and name external parts of the body- LP
  • 1.94.1 Relate the uses of selected parts of the body- LP
  • 1.95.1 Name the senses, ass. them with specific parts of the body-LP
  • 1.96.1 Use facial expressions to demonstrate their reactions...LP
  • 1.97.1 Demonstrate skills in creativity by designing and making...LP
  • 1.98.1 Explore various folk forms through music and movement- LP
  • 1.99.1 Listen to and distinguish different genres of music...LP
  • 1.100.1 Communicate information about self through drawing- LP
  • 1.101.1 Listen to sacred texts relating to parts of the body- LP
  • 1.102.1 Create a short prayer to the Creator, giving thanks...LP
  • 1.103.1 Use body percussion and classroom instruments to accompany...LP
  • 1.104.1 Use simple movements associated with jingles/songs to share...LP
  • 1.105.1 Express their understanding of a concept/poem/story...LP
  • 1.106.1 Maintain a steady beat while using parts of the body...LP
  • 1.107.1 Create jingles/songs/dub poetry about parts of the body- L؛
  • 1.108.1 Demonstrate movements within their own space- LP
  • 1.109.1 Create rhythmic patterns at all levels...LP
  • 1.110.1 Develop control in ball skills when throwing, catching...LP
  • 1.111.1 Use parts of the body to explore space- LP
  • 1.112.1 Develop the ability to run and dodge- LP
  • 1.113.1 Use selected communication devices to share ideas ...LP
  • 1.114.1 Measure the lengths of using strings, steps, hand span etc. ...LP
  • 1.115.1 Estimate and measure items relating to self...L؛
  • 1.116.1 Represent numerical information pictorially...LP
  • 1.117.1 Construct and interpret tables and pictographs using numbers...LP
  • 1.118.1 Attempt to use SJE structures to express themselves- LP
  • 1.119.1 Recognize sight words related to the growth process...LP
  • 1.120.1 Read with fluency, grade appropriate texts- L؛
  • 1.121.1 Use basic word recognition strategies to decode words- LP
  • 1.122.1 Use pictures to develop stories- LP
  • 1.123.1 Use pronouns"I", "me", "my"- LP
  • 1.124.1 Display the ability to use capital and common letters- LP
  • 1.125.1 Develop and ask questions related to the growth process...LP
  • 1.126.1 Retell stories relating to food providers- LP
  • 1.127.1 Respond to characters in poems about the growth process- LP
  • 1.128.1 Express their understanding of a story or poem relating...LP
  • 1.129.1 Discuss changes that occur in their body over time- LP
  • 1.130.1 Explain why food is essential for healthy growth- LP
  • 1.131.1 Estimate & measure self and others using non-standard units...LP
  • 1.132.1 Use non- standard units of measurement- LP
  • 1.133.1 Show and tell time on the clock (on the hour)-L؛
  • 1.134.1 Identify ways of giving thanks to the Deity for food-LP
  • 1.135.1 Discuss the provision of different foods for healthy grown-LP
  • 1.136.1 Identify individuals who provide for healthy growth-LP
  • 1.137.1 Navigate digital content on offline/online sources ...LP
  • 1.138.1 Perform songs related to growth/food- LP
  • 1.139.1 Respond to basic musical cues/symbols as they listen...LP
  • 1.140.1 Use the elements of art in creating drawings/models of foods-LP
  • 1.141.1 Combine different movement patterns at different levels...LP
  • 1.142.1 Use SJE to talk about how they care for their bodies-LP
  • 1.142.2 Use home language/SJE to talk about how they care ... interactivity
  • 1.143.1 Ask and respond appropriately to questions ...LP
  • 1.143.2 Ask and respond appropriately to questions...interactivity
  • 1.144.1 Use parts of the verb to be- LP
  • 1.144.2 Use parts of the verb to be-interactivity
  • 1.145.1 Use the pronouns I, me and my- LP
  • 1.145.2 Use the pronouns I, me and my-interactivity
  • 1.146.1 Use capital and common letters and full stops appropriately-LP
  • 1.146.2 Use capital and common letters and full stops appropriately-interactivit
  • 1.147.1 Apply a combination of movement skills to different rhythms...LP
  • 1.148.1 Play mini games which include one, two, or a combination...LP
  • 1.149.1 Give thanks to God for their bodies- LP
  • 1.150.1 Recognize the importance for the need to rest...LP
  • 1.150.2 Recognize the importance for the need to rest-interactivity
  • 1.151.1 Describe ways in which we take care of our bodies- LP
  • 1.151.2 Describe ways in which we take care of our bodies-etext
  • 1.152.1 Identify daily personal habits needed to take care of the body-LP
  • 1.152.2 Identify daily personal habits needed to take care of the body-FC
  • 1.153.1 Describe ways in which we take care of our bodies- LP
  • 1.154.1 Identify daily personal habits needed to take care of the body-LP
  • 1.154.2 Identify daily personal habits needed to take care...interactivity
  • 1.155.1 Compose/recite songs/jingles about caring for the body- LP
  • 1.156.1 Apply relevant accompanying skills to enhance singing- LP
  • 1.157.1 Write the numerals 11 through 20 and associate them...LP
  • 1.157.2 Write the numerals11 through 20 and associate them -interactive
  • 1.158.1 Identify details on a graph or chart- LP
  • 1.159.1 Make general statements and draw conclusions...LP
  • 1.160.1 Use pictures/painting/drawings to create a poster ...LP
  • 1.161.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how the elements of art work...LP
  • 1.162.1 Dramatize the various ways in which the body is cared for- LP
  • 1.163.1 Use selected communication devices to share ideas...LP
  • 1.164.1 Demonstrate their understanding of care of the body- LP
  • 2.1.1 Formulate simple definition of a ‘family’. - LP
  • 2.1.2 Formulate simple definition of a ‘family’. Activity - LP
  • 2.2.1 Identify general characteristics of a family. - LP
  • 2.3.1 Construct a family tree depicting three generations. - Link
  • 2.3.2 Construct a family tree depicting three generations. - interactive
  • 2.3.3 Construct a family tree depicting three generations. - LP
  • 2.3.4 Construct a family tree depicting three generations-link
  • 2.4.1 Demonstrate an appreciation and acceptance of the uniqueness of fami-etext
  • 2.4.2 Demonstrate an appreciation and acceptance...LP
  • 2.5.1 Identify& name own parent(s), grandparents& great grand-parents-LP
  • 2.6.1 Outline the relationships between generations - LP
  • 2.6.2 Outline the relationships between generations-etext
  • 2.7.1 Create works of art using information collected about their family
  • 2.8.1 Create three dimensional (3D) models of their families-LP
  • 2.8.2 Create three dimensional (3D) models of their families. worksheet
  • 2.8.3 Create three dimensional (3D) models of their families - LP
  • 2.9.1 Use ordinal numbers to talk about positions in families - LP
  • 2.10.1 Represent their family size as sets and on a line plot- LP
  • 2.11.1 Associate members of sets with numerals- LP
  • 2.12.1 Associate numerals with number names- LP
  • 2.13.1 Compare sets- LP
  • 2.14.1 Construct simple mathematical sentences-LP
  • 2.15.1 Use Standard Jamaican English to respond to questions...LP
  • 2.16.1 Use forms of the verb �to be� appropriately- LP
  • 2.17.1 Compose simple sentences or short phrases about the family-LP
  • 2.18.1 Display the ability to use capital and common letters...LP
  • 2.18.2 Display the ability to use capital/common letters when writin-interactive
  • 2.19.1 Write briefly about family experiences in journals/portfolios-LP
  • 2.20.1 Draw conclusions from pictures and written material- LP
  • 2.21.1 Use theatre games to explore the structure of the family-LP
  • 2.22.1 Use personal and general space in play and other activities- LP
  • 2.23.1 Perform locomotor and non-locomotor actions related to games...LP
  • 2.23.2 Perform locomotor and non-locomotor actions related to games - LP
  • 2.24.1 Take turns in physical activities
  • 2.25.1 Engage in regular physical activities- LP
  • 2.26.1 Create jingles/songs/poem about the family - LP
  • 2.26.2 Create jingles/songs/poem about the family-LP
  • 2.26.3 Create jingles/songs/poem about the family. - LP
  • 2.26.4 Create jingles/songs/poem about the family-video
  • 2.27.1 Use body percussion and classroom instruments...LP
  • 2.27.2 Use body percussion and classroom instruments to create rhythmic ...
  • 2.28.1 Listen and sing songs about the family responding to musical...LP
  • 2.28.2 Listen & sing songs about the family responding to musical cues & gestur
  • 2.29.1 Discuss sacred writings about the family-LP
  • 2.30.1 Recognize that the human family is considered to be family...LP
  • 2.30.2 Recognize that the human family is considered ...interactivity
  • 2.31.1 Respond to creation stories about the origin of the family...LP
  • 2.31.2 Respond to creation stories about the origin of the family -interactivity
  • 2.32.1 Use digital devices to make an audio recording...LP
  • 2.32.2 Use digital devices to make an audio recording ...interactivity
  • 2.33.1 Identify resource and technology used by family members...LP
  • 2.34.1 Write simple sentences to describe how family members...LP
  • 2.35.1 Use family pictures to develop stories about caring...LP
  • 2.36.1 Write freely in respons to stimulus about how family...interactivity
  • 2.36.2 Write freely in response to stimulus about how family members...LP
  • 2.37.1 Use full stop and question mark-LP
  • 2.37.2 Use full stop and question mark-interactivity
  • 2.38.1 Insert full stops/question marks at the end of each question...LP
  • 2.39.1 Recognise that spoken language involves interaction &courtesy-LP
  • 2.40.1 Respond to questions and directions addressed in SJE- LP
  • 2.41.1 Respond to questions characters or situations in print...LP
  • 2.42.1 Respond to and use the present continuous tense-LP
  • 2.42.2 Respond to and use the present continuous tense- interactivity
  • 2.43.1 Show an understanding of fair share/equal share-LP
  • 2.43.2 Show an understanding of fair share/equal share-interactivity
  • 2.44.1 Identify ways in which family members depend on each other- LP
  • 2.44.2 Identify ways in which family members depend on each other-interactivity
  • 2.45.1 Discuss the rights and responsibilities of different members...LP
  • 2.45.2 Discuss the rights & responsibilities of different members..interactivity
  • 2.46.1 Explain why the family has rules-LP
  • 2.47.1 Discuss some of the rules in their family-LP
  • 2.47.2 Discuss some of the rules in their family-interactivity
  • 2.48.1 Discuss how family members care for the physically challenged...LP
  • 2.48.2 Discuss how family members care for the physically...interactivity
  • 2.49.1 Use the creative arts to demonstrate how family members...LP
  • 2.50.1 Express their understanding of a story or poem...LP
  • 2.50.2 Express their understanding of a story or poem about caring...interactivi
  • 2.51.1 Identify responsible actions to take if their human rights...lP
  • 2.52.1 Use drawings to show how family members care for each other- LP
  • Create jingles/ songs/dub poetry about how families ...LP
  • 2.54.1 Develop an awareness of their capabilities...LP
  • 2.54.2 Develop an awareness of their capabilities&responsibilities...Interactivi
  • 2.55.1 Develop an appreciation of the fact that they are accountable...LP
  • 2.55.2 Develop an app.of the fact that they are accountable...INTERACTIVITY
  • 2.56.1 Become aware of their personal values & those of family members-LP
  • 2.57.1 Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship between personal...LP
  • 2.58.1 Demonstrate movements within their own space...LP
  • 2.59.1 Use SJE/home language to communicate about family activities-LP
  • 2.60.1 Compose Language Experience stories to share ideas...LP
  • 2.61.1 Sequence ideas logically as they write...LP
  • 2.62.1 Use the correct forms of verb �to be� to communicate ideas...LP
  • 2.63.1 Use personal pronouns to communicate about family activities-LP
  • 2.64.1 Tell the time (read the clock) on the hour and half hour- LP
  • 2.65.1 Identify special family occasions on the calendar- LP
  • 2.66.1 Use estimation in comparing time spent on various family...LP
  • 2.67.1 Use a calendar in class and refer to it at appropriate times-LP
  • 2.68.1 Identify key activities in which families participate- LP
  • 2.69.1 Demonstrate how to work cooperatively as a family- LP
  • 2.70.1 Discuss special occasions celebrated by families
  • 2.71.1 Express feelings about their participation in family activities-LP
  • 2.72.1 Compare major activities of different families- LP
  • 2.73.1 Demonstrate family values regarding respect...LP
  • 2.74.1 Identify religious activities in which families are involved- LP
  • 2.75.1 Show appreciation for the religious values ...LP
  • 2.76.1 Perform songs about the activities of their families
  • 2.77.1 Perform rhythmic pieces- LP
  • 2.78.1 Participate in traditional and contemporary dances...LP
  • 2.79.1 Practise & recall movements in particular sequences & patterns-LP
  • 2.80.1 Use different drama modes to reflect activities...LP
  • 2.81.1 Provide feedback to peers on their presentations...LP
  • 2.82.1 Create art pieces on family activities- LP
  • 2.83.1 Create a digital story showing their experience of being...LP
  • 2.84.1 Use tools to create items related to family activities- LP
  • 2.85.1 Create 2D and 3Dmodels of things in the home- LP
  • 2.86.1 Classify things within the home- LP
  • 2.87.1 Relate how tools/machines within the home help to make life...lP
  • 2.88.1 Demonstrate an appreciation for items in their home....LP
  • 2.89.1 Compose lyrics for songs relating to things in the home- LP
  • 2.90.1 Create or imitate sounds heard in the home using elements...LP
  • 2.91.1 Identify shapes found on objects in the home- LP
  • 2.92.1 Use personal and general space in play and other activities- LP
  • 2.93.1 Relate things in the home to the areas...LP
  • 2.94.1 Identify the uses of things in the home- LP
  • 2.95.1 Group things in the home in various categories- LP
  • 2.96.1 Compare the things found in the in home and the wider community-LP
  • 2.97.1 Use drama modes to communicate activities done in the home- LP
  • 2.98.1 Describe ways they can take care of things in their homes-LP
  • 2.99.1 Observe&discuss the symbols used on products within the home -LP
  • 2.100.1 Identify hazards and risks to their safety at home-LP
  • 2.101.1 Demonstrate willingness to care for things in their home- LP
  • 2.102.1 Identify how things in the home are protected ...LP
  • 2.103.1 Explain how they use safety rules and information...LP
  • 2.104.1 Discuss awareness of and appreciation for safety rules...LP
  • 2.105.1 Conduct a simple survey on the number and types of pets...LP
  • 2.106.1 Analyze the data and write two sentences...LP
  • 2.107.1 Explain the importance of rules & regulations within the home-LP
  • 2.108.1 Identify rewards/consequences for acceptable/unacceptable...LP
  • 2.109.1 Apply religious principles and teachings as they relate...LP
  • 2.110.1 Compose lyrics for songs relating to safety at home- LP
  • 2.111.1 Use ICT tools to make journal entries about caring...LP
  • 2.112.1 Use ICT tools to create electronic presentations...LP
  • 2.113.1 Use drama modes to highlight how things in the home...LP
  • 3.1.1 Understand the term ‘environment’ - LP
  • 3.1.2 Understand the term ‘environment’ - Quiz
  • 3.1.3 Understand the term ‘environment’ - Worksheet
  • 3.1.4 Understand the term ‘environment’ and what is meant ... etext
  • 3.2.1 Identify the important features of their school - LP
  • 3.2.2 Identify the important features of their school - activity
  • 3.2.3 Identify the important features of their school -poem
  • 3.2.4 Identify the important features of their school and explain...interactive
  • 3.3.1 Begin to learn about the history of their school & its location-LP
  • 3.3.2 Begin to learn about the history of their school & its location-activity
  • 3.4.1 Recognize how rules and regulations are effectively used in their school.
  • 3.4.2 Recognize how rules & regulations are effectively used in their schl-quiz
  • 3.5.1 Preserve the environment - LP
  • 3.5.2 Preserve the environment -quiz
  • 3.6.1 Tell ways in which they can take care of the school...LP
  • 3.6.2 Tell ways in which they take care of the school and the things in it-quiz
  • 3.6.3 Tell ways in which they take care of the school and the things in it-quiz
  • 3.7.1 Develop basic locational skills in their environment (such as home/school)
  • 3.8.1 Use process skills to draw conclusions and solve problems - LP
  • 3.9.1 Identify and group objects and materials found in the school...LP
  • 3.9.2 Identify and group objects and materials found in the school. -Interactive
  • 3.9.3 Identify and group objects and materials found in the school...Interactive
  • 3.10.1 Observe, compare, classify geometric shapes taken from the environment
  • 3.11.1 Create/play games using different shapes. - LP
  • 3.12.1 Conduct simple surveys to det. safe/unsafe areas around them-LP
  • 3.13.1 Sort, group and classify collected data - LP
  • 3.13.2 Sort, group and classify collected data-interactive
  • 3.14.1 Show by their behaviour that they value rules and regulations-LP
  • 3.15.1 Recognize positive and moral values contained in sacred...LP
  • 3.17.1 Locate and perceive the direction and distance of sounds - LP
  • 3.18.1 Identify the sources and types of various sounds in the environment
  • 3.18.2 Id. the sources & types of various sounds in the environment-interactive
  • 3.18.3 Id. the sources &types of various sounds in the environment-interactive
  • 3.19.1 Recognize and respond to differences/similarities in sounds...
  • 3.20.1 Utilize body percussion and classroom instruments ... LP
  • 3.21.1 Create and imitate sounds heard ...LP
  • 3.22.1 Repeat short rhythmic and melodic patterns to freely explore ways ...
  • 3.23.1 Begin to appreciate that different art tools are used...LP
  • 3.24.1 Use play dough/clay/papier-mache to create objects found in the school
  • 3.25.1 Recognize different textures used in art creations � rough / smooth
  • 3.26.1 Recognize that spoken language involves interaction and courtesy
  • 3.26.2 Recognize that spoken language involves interaction& courtesy-interactivi
  • 3.27.1 Give praise and acknowledge the contributions of others. - LP
  • 3.28.1 Write and read information about the history of their school - LP
  • 3.29.1 Use appropriate digital tools to create photo/digital ... LP
  • 3.31.1 Explain why groups have rules-interactivity
  • 3.30.1 Identify groups to which they belong. - LP
  • 3.31.2 Explain why groups have rules -poem
  • 3.32.1 Understand that there are different individuals and groups...interactivit
  • 3.32.1 Understand that there are different individuals and groups... - LP
  • 3.32.2 Understand that there are different individuals and groups...interactivit
  • 3.33.1 Appreciate that each person is unique and has skills and talents to be
  • 3.34.1 Understand how individual roles support the functioning of the school
  • 3.35.1 Use role play to demonstrate different job roles of people in school
  • 3.36.1 Sort, group and classify collected data. - LP
  • 3.38.1 Show by their behavior that they value rules and regulations - LP
  • 3.39.1 Recognize people in sacred and other stories, who have contributed ...
  • 3.40.1 Identify individuals who have helped us to develop moral values-LP
  • 3.41.1 Picture making techniques and/or make models of people in the school ...
  • 3.42.1 Recognize that spoken language involves interaction & courtesy-LP
  • 3.43.1 Attempt to use SJE structures to express themselves. - LP
  • 3.44.1 Describe themselves, others, objects and situations using appropriate wor
  • 3.44.1 Describe themselves,others, objects and situations using...interactivity
  • 3.45.1 Identify an audience in their writing. - LP
  • 3.46.1 Experiment with dramatization of different characters through role play
  • 3.47.1 Use props to enhance dramatic presentation - LP
  • 3.48.1 Develop control and coordination of physical movements...LP
  • 3.49.1 Learn how to take turns and cooperate as teams when playing simple games
  • 3.50.1 Identify activities and events that take place in their school-LP
  • 3.50.2 Identify activities &events that take place in their school-interactivity
  • 3.51.1 Differentiate between safe and unsafe areas in school. - LP
  • 3.52.1 Show respect for various customs and practices present in their school.
  • 3.53.1 Report on some activities which take place during school celebrations.
  • 3.54.1 Identify the months of the year and the days of the week ... LP
  • 3.54.2 Identify the months of the year and the days of the week...interactivity
  • 3.55.1 Recognise that special garments, foods, symbols and rituals are ass. ...
  • 3.55.2 Recognise that special garments, foods, symbols and rituals...interactivi
  • 3.56.1 Utilize percussion instruments to explore rhythm and patterns-LP
  • 3.57.1 Use voices in different ways such as ... LP
  • 3.58.1 Make objects for named purposes using given materials. - LP
  • 3.59.1 Explore elements and principles of art such as ... - LP
  • 3.60.1 Describe events and situations, using appropriate words. - LP
  • 3.61.1 Recognize that spoken language involves interaction & courtesy-LP
  • 3.62.1 Write freely in response to stimuli...LP
  • 3.63.1 In groups, compose lyrics to reflect Child Month or Teachers' Day.
  • 3.64.1 Show an appreciation for the different opinions shared...LP
  • 3.65.1 List and group objects - LP
  • 3.66.1 Listen to others, and tell stories which relate to helping each other ...
  • 3.67.1 Describe the actions of others using appropriate word - LP
  • 3.68.1 Use props to dramatize selected roles and characters - LP
  • 3.69.1 Play games which allow them to practise being part of a group...LP
  • 3.70.1 Move different limbs together to establish relationships ... LP
  • 3.71.1 Demonstrate, through play, that individuals contribute ... LP
  • 3.72.1 Design and make instrument & art to celebrate school events...LP
  • 3.73.1 Demonstrate cooperation by using appropriate digital tool... - LP
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed