Early Childhood - Age 4
Early Childhood - Age 4
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
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Early Childhood - Age 5
Early Childhood - Age 5
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
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- Cancel anytime with $0 fees
- WhatsApp (954)...
Grade 1 Integrated Studies Teaching Resources
Grade 1 Integrated Studies Teaching Resources

- Register to gain access to: lesson plans, worksheets, eBooks and other resources.

- Subscription: US$3.00 per month

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Grade 1 Language Arts Teaching Resources
Grade 1 Language Arts Teaching Resources
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
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- Cancel anytime with $0 fees
- WhatsApp (954)...
Grade 1 Mathematics Teaching Resources
Grade 1 Mathematics Teaching Resources
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
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- WhatsApp (954)...
Grade 2 Integrated Studies Teaching Resources
Grade 2 Integrated Studies Teaching Resources
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
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- Cancel anytime with $0 fees
- WhatsApp (954)...
Grade 2 Language Arts Teaching Resources
Grade 2 Language Arts Teaching Resources
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
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- Cancel anytime with $0 fees
- WhatsApp (954)...
Grade 2 Mathematics Teaching Resources
Grade 2 Mathematics Teaching Resources
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
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- Cancel anytime with $0 fees
- WhatsApp (954)...
Grade 3 Integrated Studies Teaching Resources
Grade 3 Integrated Studies Teaching Resources
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
- No contracts or commitments
- Automatically billed each month
- Cancel anytime with $0 fees
- WhatsApp (954)...
Grade 3 Language Arts Teaching Resources
Grade 3 Language Arts Teaching Resources
Register to gain access to top-notch educational resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
- Subscription: US$3.00 per month
- No contracts or commitments
- Automatically billed each month
- Cancel anytime with $0 fees
- WhatsApp (954)...

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